The new product - or idle thoughts on personal freedom

Did you know man has developed a new product on the market? It is called a “person”. The “person” has a market value.

Slowly creeping in over the years and now, suddenly, a very desirable product, “personal data” has now become hot property. Everywhere you turn, eager hands are keen to add your personal details to their mailing lists. Eager to bombard you with targeted advertising or worse.........

Here in Europe, I have noticed that supermarkets are becoming smarter. For a long time now you may have been assiduously avoiding the temptation to divulge all your personal data in exchange for tempting offers through their members' cards, then “hey bingo”, they've got you! With the new “self-checkout” using your bank card, the “big, bad, wolf has caught all your personal details without your even being aware of what was going on. In your rush to avoid waiting in the queues in the normal checkout, your so-called “smart” move of checking out on your own has “spilt the beans”. Now the supermarket can get all your personal data without your having to go through the process of filling in a form..... With the “self-checkout” they now know who you are and what you buy, with your being blissfully unaware of all this and happily going on your way....

A “person” has now become an “object”. Tracked with cameras, tracked on internet, tracked by satellite – soon, most probably, tracked from the day you are born to the day you die – where, you may ask, is the notion of “individual freedom”?

In an ideal, democratic world a person should be able to control his own destiny. A person should have an influence in the governance of society.

We are moving towards a “managed society” with a dramatic diminution in the amount of personal freedom and freedom of speech.

If you care, you can influence your own destiny and those in the generations to come. The answer lies in political change. In a real democracy, leaders are chosen honestly and reflect the voices of the people.

In the world today, is this a utopian dream – or are the “voices of the people” also tainted?

A discussion of “values” in present-day society is another whole new area of debate.…

Flying Kiwi April 2014

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